Join Candeo PTO


Yearly PTO memberships is currently $15.00 per adult

and $25.00 per 2 adults from one family.

Join PTO now for the 2016-2017 school year.

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-Members receive regular emails from PTO that include calendar updates and volunteer opportunities.
-Members are invited to General Meetings 6 times per year and may vote on upcoming calendar changes and financial obligations.
-Members save money by receiving discounts to some of Candeo’s events.
-Members are ALWAYS ‘in the know’ and they are connected to what’s going on the school and in their children’s classes.

blue join the ptoGet connected! Come and PLAY with Candeo PTO!

We also encourage you to look over our upcoming events.  If you have questions, ideas or suggestions email

Let us know what interests you.  If you have any special talents or skills to offer the campus, please share that info with us too.

We look forward to working with you!

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